Waste Robotics and 3Wayste Revolutionize Waste Sorting with Innovative Collaboration Presented at IFAT Trade Fair 2024

Press Release
Title: Waste Robotics and 3Wayste Revolutionize Waste Sorting with Innovative Collaboration Presented at IFAT Trade Fair 2024
Release Date: May 2, 2024
Waste Robotics inc.
11410 Blvd, Louis-Loranger
Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada,
G9B 0T8
Location: IFAT, Munich, May 13-17, 2024
Following an industrial collaboration between Waste Robotics (Canada) and 3WAYSTE (France) that achieved a breakthrough in household waste sorting, Waste Robotics is pleased to announce its participation in the IFAT fair from May 13 to 17, 2024. During this event, a preview presentation will be made of 3WAYSTE's application of Waste Robotics' revolutionary technology at ALTRIOM 2.0, its Multi-stream Industrial Waste Sorting Center in Polignac (France). The success of this collaboration demonstrates the relevance of using sorting robots equipped with cutting-edge technologies, such as hyperspectral sensors, which can distinguish different types of materials that the human eye cannot identify, to globally improve sorting and recycling performance.
To attest to this joint success, Hugo SIMME, Site Manager of ALTRIOM 2.0, is featured in a video in which he shares his experience with the innovations and services of Waste Robotics and describes how robotic arms have significantly enhanced the quality control process of sorted materials.
These advanced technologies have enabled ALTRIOM 2.0 to meet complex challenges in waste sorting, whether from separate collection or mixed collection. The combination of a hyperspectral system and artificial intelligence for enhanced material detection allows ALTRIOM 2.0 to increase the quality of sorted materials, thereby enhancing their marketability and recycling efficiency. The solution proposed by Waste Robotics addresses several challenges of modern sorting centers: the ability to sort a diverse and evolving waste stream in composition, increased productivity, data acquisition, optimization of line maintenance, and operator comfort.
The collaboration between Waste Robotics and 3WAYSTE exemplifies the full potential of technological innovation in the recycling sector and demonstrates that these technologies are now mature and ready for large-scale deployment. Their combined technologies and know-how are part of a shared commitment to globally improve waste management towards more intelligence and sustainability, ultimately placing these materials at the heart of the circular economy.
We invite you to visit Waste Robotics at booth B5.511 at IFAT to learn more about the project and the companies.
About Waste Robotics:
Waste Robotics is at the forefront of waste management innovation, offering cutting-edge robotic and software solutions designed to revolutionize the sorting of solid waste. Our technology is designed to enhance the efficiency, accuracy, and safety of recycling facilities, addressing a wide range of waste types, including organic waste, single-stream waste, non-hazardous industrial waste and metals. We are a collective of visionary scientists, engineers, and computer and robotics professionals. Waste Robotics provides global service, proudly supported by substantial backing from Mirova, a global sustainable investment fund.
About 3WAYSTE:
3WAYSTE is a French company specialized in the development, design, construction, and operation of Multi-stream Industrial Sorting Centers, innovative and automated units that sort both mixed waste and separately collected waste on a single line.
3WAYSTE has developed and patented an industrial technology, consisting of proprietary equipment and processes. This innovative solution allows for sorting 100% of household waste and reducing disposal by up to 90%.
About IFAT:
IFAT is the world's largest trade fair for water, wastewater, waste, and raw materials management, offering an international platform for the latest innovations and solutions in the sector.
Contact Waste Robotics: Katherine Diamond katherine.diamond@wasterobotic.com
Contact 3Wayste: Hugo Rechter hrechter@3wayste.com
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